Compiling Planetary Modeling Packages

These instructions describe how to compile various packages for Earth modeling, climate, weather and related applications.

Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF)

The Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) is high-performance, flexible software infrastructure for building and coupling weather, climate, and related Earth science applications. The ESMF defines an architecture for composing complex, coupled modeling systems and includes data structures and utilities for developing individual models.

We describe how the code was compiled for Thorny Flat using Intel Compiler Suite and MPI libraries.

Download the code

The code can be clone with git from:

git clone

The code was cloned at this at /shared/src/planetary/esmf

Setting the environment variables

The building system is driven by a set of environment variables that need to be exported before executing make. This compilation will be done exclusively using Intel compilers. First we need to load the module for Intel 2018:

module load lang/intel/2018_u4

The variables that need to be exported are:

export ESMF_DIR=/shared/src/planetaryesmf
export ESMF_COMM=intelmpi
export ESMF_COMPILER=intel
export ESMF_INSTALL_PREFIX=/shared/software/planetary/esmf

Compiling the code

To compile the code just execute:


The compilation takes a while, notice that the first lines shows the values of several environnment variables, the 4 that we just set and a few others internal to the makefile:

ESMF_VERSION_STRING:    8.0.0 beta snapshot
# On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean

Make version:
GNU Make 3.82
Built for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu
Copyright (C) 2010  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Fortran Compiler version:
mpiifort for the Intel(R) MPI Library 2018 Update 4 for Linux*
Copyright(C) 2003-2018, Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version Build 20180823
Copyright (C) 1985-2018 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C++ Compiler version:
mpiicpc for the Intel(R) MPI Library 2018 Update 4 for Linux*
Copyright(C) 2003-2018, Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Intel(R) C++ Intel(R) 64 Compiler for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version Build 20180823
Copyright (C) 1985-2018 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Preprocessor version:
gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-36)
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

 * User set ESMF environment variables *


At the end of compilation you should get:

make[2]: Leaving directory `/gpfs20/shared/src/planetary/esmf'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/gpfs20/shared/src/planetary/esmf'
make[1]: Entering directory `/gpfs20/shared/src/planetary/esmf'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `build_tracelibs'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/gpfs20/shared/src/planetary/esmf'
make[1]: Entering directory `/gpfs20/shared/src/planetary/esmf'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/gpfs20/shared/src/planetary/esmf'
ESMF library built successfully on Mon Apr 15 11:30:40 EDT 2019
To verify, build and run the unit and system tests with: make check
 or the more extensive: make all_tests

The tests can be performed with:

make all_tests

After the tests you should see and output like this:

The stdout files for the examples can be found at:

Found 85 multi-processor examples, 85 passed and 0 failed.

make[2]: Leaving directory `/gpfs20/shared/src/planetary/esmf'

Found 45 multi-processor system tests, 45 passed and 0 failed.

Found 85 multi-processor examples, 85 passed and 0 failed.

Found 3460 non-exhaustive multi-processor unit tests, 3460 passed and 0 failed.

make[1]: Leaving directory `/gpfs20/shared/src/planetary/esmf'

Installing ESMF

Finally, install the libraries and supporting binaries with:

make install

Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIE-GCM)

The NCAR Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIE-GCM) is a comprehensive, first-principles, three-dimensional, non-linear representation of the coupled thermosphere and ionosphere system that includes a self-consistent solution of the middle and low-latitude dynamo field. The model solves the three-dimensional momentum, energy and continuity equations for neutral and ion species at each time step, using a semi-implicit, fourth-order, centered finite difference scheme on each pressure surface in a staggered vertical grid. It can be run in either serial or parallel mode on a variety of platforms, including Linux workstations and supercomputers. The time step is typically 120 s.

Download the code

The code can be downloaded from HAO-UCAR webpage

After registering 3 files need to be downloaded for TIE-GCM 2.0:


The files can be uncompress with the command:

tar -xvf tiegcm2.0.tar
tar -xvf tiegcm2.0_res2.5_data.tar
tar -xvf tiegcm2.0_res5.0_data.tar

Editing the make configuration

Once you have downloaded and uncompress the files. You need to adapt/create a Make configuration file suitable for the cluster were the model will run. Go to tiegcm2.0/scripts and make a copy of Make.intel_hao64 as we will use it as template for our cluster. This tutorial assumes that you are using Thorny Flat, so copy the file as Make.intel_thorny:

cd tiegcm2.0/scripts
cp Make.intel_hao64 Make.intel_thorny

Modify Make.intel_thorny to match the file below:

# Included makefile for Intel ifort compiler with openmpi on 64-bit HAO machines.
# Intel ifort (IFORT) 12.0.0 20101006
F90      = ifort
MPIF90   = mpiifort
MPIRUN   = mpirun -l -s all
FFLAGS   = -r8 -heap-arrays
DBGFLAGS = -debug full -traceback
DBGFLAGS += -check bounds -check format -check output_conversion -check pointers -check uninit
DBGFLAGS += -fpe-all=0 # this traps all floating point exceptions
# Makefile will use OPTIM = -g if set debug=TRUE in job script.
OPTIM    = -O3
LIBS     = -lcurl -lnetcdff -lnetcdf
HOST     = $(shell hostname)
# Library and Include file paths:
LIB_NETCDF = /shared/software/libs/netcdf/4.x_intel18_impi18/lib
INC_NETCDF = /shared/software/libs/netcdf/4.x_intel18_impi18/include
# This public release of ESMF was built at hao with intel on Dec 22, 2015:
LIB_ESMF = /shared/software/planetary/esmf/lib/libO/
# Make machines.ini file for MPI execution:
prereq: machines.ini mpirun.command
machines.ini: export HN=$(HOST)
machines.ini: export NP=$(NPROC)
machines.ini: FORCE
        @echo "Making machines.ini.."
        @echo `hostname` > machines.ini
        @awk 'BEGIN{ for (i=2; i <= ENVIRON["NP"]; i++) print ENVIRON["HN"] }' >> machines.ini

mpirun.command: FORCE
        @echo "Making mpirun.command: MPIRUN=$(MPIRUN)"
        @echo $(MPIRUN) > mpirun.command


Notice that we have change the compilers, as loading the module for Intel 2018 will add them to the search $PATH. It is important to add -lnetcdff -lnetcdf as newer versions of NetCDF separate the fortran and C interfaces and both libraries need to be loaded. You should also load the module for netcdf:

module load libs/netcdf/4.x_intel18_impi18

In the previous section we have compiled and installed ESMF. The location on Thorny Flat being /shared/software/planetary/esmf so the variable LIB_ESMF reflects the location for ESMF libraries.

This Make configuration file should remain in tiegcm2.0/scripts and will be captured by the execution script.

Editing the execution script

Now we have to edit the execution script tiegcm-thorny.job. It is a good idea to make a copy of it before editing:

cp tiegcm-linux.job tiegcm-thorny.job

There just a few changes to introduce here. The whole script will not be shown here, just the pieces that needs some changes. The first portion should look like this:

#! /bin/csh
# Job script to build and execute the model on a 64-bit Linux desktop machine.
# User must set shell variables below:
#   modeldir:  Root directory to model source (may be an SVN working dir)
#   execdir:   Directory in which to build and execute (will be created if necessary)
#   tgcmdata:  Directory in which startup history and data files are accessed.
#              (If tgcmdata is not set, the model will use env var TGCMDATA)
#   input:     Namelist input file for the chosen model resolution
#   output:    Stdout file from model execution (will be created)
#   modelres:  Model resolution (5.0 or 2.5 degrees)
#   make:      Build file with platform-specific compile parameters (in scripts dir)
#   mpi:       TRUE/FALSE for MPI run (non-MPI runs are not supported in v2.0 and later)
#   debug:     If TRUE, build and execute a "debug" run (debug compiler flags are set)
#   exec:      If TRUE, execute the model (build only if exec is FALSE)
#   utildir:   Directory containing supporting scripts (default $modeldir/scripts)
#   runscript: LSF script with run commands (submitted with bsub from execdir)
# To switch to 2.5-deg resolution, set modelres below to 2.5,
# and change execdir, tgcmdata and namelist input if necessary.
set modeldir = tiegcm2.0
set execdir  = tiegcm.exec
set tgcmdata = tiegcm_res2.5_data
set input    = tiegcm_res2.5.inp
set output   = tiegcm_res2.5.out
set modelres = 2.5
set make     = Make.intel_thorny
set mpi      = TRUE
set nproc    = 20
set debug    = FALSE
set exec     = TRUE
set utildir  = $modeldir/scripts

Notice that the make file changed to Make.intel_thorny. Next, the number of processors is fixed to 20, notice that on Thorny Flat we have nodes with 24 and 40. The best number depends on how intense in the calculation. For 5.0 degrees the code completes in just a few minutes. Remember to change modelres accordingly: 5.0 or 2.5 degrees and related files.

The final change is half down the script were there is a conditional for using the intel compiler. Around line 210 I include a condition to set the compiler to intel:

set compiler = 'unknown'
if ($make == Make.intel_hao64) then
  set compiler = intel
else if ($make == Make.pgi_hao64) then
  set compiler = pgi
else if ($make == Make.gfort_hao64) then
  set compiler = gfort
else if ($make == Make.intel_thorny) then
  set compiler = intel
echo Compiler: $compiler

Using 20 cores, it takes around 7 minutes on Thorny Flat to get the results:

Executing mpirun -l -s all with executable ./tiegcm2.0 at Tue Apr 16 10:32:11 EDT 2019
Linux MPI run of ./tiegcm2.0 completed at Tue Apr 16 10:39:45 EDT 2019
Overwriting file  /gpfs20/shared/src/planetary/tiegcm2.0/tiegcm_res2.5.out  with non-ASCII characters removed.
mklogs: Extracting log files from  /gpfs20/shared/src/planetary/tiegcm2.0/tiegcm_res2.5.out

The Global Ionosphere/Thermosphere Model (GITM)

GITM is a 3-dimensional spherical code that models the Earth’s thermosphere and ionosphere system using a stretched grid in latitude and altitude. The number of grid points in each direction can be specified, so the resolution is extremely flexible. GITM explicitly solves for the neutral densities of O, O2, N(2D), N(2P), N(4S), N2, and NO; and ion species O+(4S), O+(2D), O+(2P), O2+, N+, N2+, and NO+. One major difference between GITM and other thermosphere codes is the use of an altitude grid instead of a pressure grid. The vertical grid spacing is less than 3 km in the lower thermosphere, and over 10 km in the upper thermosphere. GITM allows for non-hydrostatic solutions to develop (i.e., the full vertical momentum equation is solved), so more realistic dynamics in the auroral zone can be simulated.

The procedure to compile the code is not properly documented, so instructions here are specific for our clusters, in particular Thorny Flat.

Cloning the repository

The package can be cloned from the Github page:

git clone

Configuring the build

The build system is managed by a Perl script located on the root folder All documentation about building this code is provided by executing:

./ -h

We will compile the code on Thonry Flat with support for MPI and HDF5, the modules to load are:

module load lang/intel/2018_u4 libs/hdf5/1.10.5_intel18_impi18

To configure the build for Intel compilers and support for Parallel HDF5 execute:

./ -install -compiler=mpiifort,icc -hdf5

The command should produce an output like this:

Installing GITM2
touch Library/src/Makefile.DEPEND Library/src/Makefile.RULES
cp src/ModSize.f90.orig src/ModSize.f90
touch src/Makefile.DEPEND src/Makefile.RULES srcInterface/Makefile.DEPEND
Enabling HDF5 library in Makefile.conf
set_hdf5_: cp share/Library/src/ModHdf5Utils_orig.f90 share/Library/src/ModHdf5Utils.f90
set_spice_: cp share/Library/src/ModSpice_empty.f90 share/Library/src/ModSpice.f90
Configuring GITM for Earth!!

Any attempt to recompile with different settings usually requires removing all the sources and clone the repository back, several pieces of code remain even executing ./ -uninstall or make clean. This is particularly true if you change compiler.

Building the code

After configuration several make configuration files are copied to the root folder of GITM and the code is ready for compilation. Execute the configure script again to confirm yours settings:

$ ./

GITM2 is installed in directory /gpfs20/shared/src/planetary/aaronjridley/GITM
    as a stand-alone code.
The installation is for the Linux operating system.
Makefile.conf was created from share/build/Makefile.Linux.mpiifort
                           and share/build/Makefile.icc
The selected F90 compiler is ifort.
The selected C   compiler is icc.
The default precision for reals is double precision.
The maximum optimization level is -O4
Debugging flags:   no
Linked with MPI:   yes
Linked with HDF5:  yes
Linked with HYPRE: no
Linked with FISHPAK: no
Linked with SPICE: no
Number of cells in a block: nLon=9, nLat=9, nAlt=50
Max. number of blocks     : MaxBlock=4

Execute make to compile the code:


The binary GITM.exe will be located at src folder.