Basic UsageΒΆ
This chapter provides information useful by users from all levels, but specially tailored for beginners or those who will use the cluster only sporadically.
We start on Terminal-based Text Editors a more in-deep exploration of the 3 main text editors in Unix/Linux: nano, emacs and vim. The next section
- Terminal-based Text Editors
- Data Storage
- Environment Modules
- Workload Manager (SLURM)
- Understanding Partitions
- Submitting batch jobs
- Monitoring jobs
- Canceling a job
- Estimation of the starting time for a job
- Detailed information about jobs
- Controling the limit of time for a job
- Specifying number of Nodes, tasks and CPU Cores
- Translating PBS Scripts to Slurm Scripts
- Interactive Jobs
- Graphical Interface Jobs
- Checking the Status of Jobs
- Canceling/Removing a Job
- Adding Prologue and Epilogue scripts to a Job
- Samples of Job Submission scripts
- Script for running a non-array batch queue
- Script for running an array batch queue
- File Transfer (Globus and SFTP)
- Web Interface (Open On-Demand)